About Us
Dr Christina and the team at The Third Space by dR CLB Lab are great believers of natural and scientific evidence-based properties for overall wellness. The Third Space by dR CLB Lab started with the intention of helping others through a resilience-building program focusing on 4 domains: Mental, Emotion, Physical and Spiritual using positive emotion, meditation, yoga and breathing techniques to enhance overall wellness. The program has helped thousands of people across the globe. The book "Fostering The Wisdom of Resilience" has over 6,000 readers worldwide​

Our Journey
Our journey begins in the year 2002, in the heart of London. Our Founder, Dr Christina was undertaking her masters and counseling program when she started volunteering at various charities and associations. It was then where she discovered that building positive emotion and resilience with the combination of exercise and the use of essential oils as a complementary therapeutic treatment has the ability to boost “self-ecology”. She first started using the combined treatments on herself and her friends before introducing the therapy to her counseling clients. It was an overwhelming success with many counseling practitioners followed suit in implementing the combined techniques with essential oil as part of the counseling program.
In 2008 during the Asian Financial Crisis, the collapse of Lehman brothers triggered a domino effect across the financial and housing sectors across Asia and the rest of the world. Seeing so many people desperately calling out for help, Christina formulated a program called Celebrity Coaching Program witch focuses on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual resilience whilst promoting the use of therapeutic essential oils. Her program helps individuals to stay ‘stress-resilient' and promote self-awareness and openness. Her clients include royals, celebrities, highflyers, executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, youth, and individuals going through difficult times. Her program also benefited friends of the yellow ribbon project.
Since then, the techniques have become part of Christina’s formula for success. Whether she is transforming a business or an individual, it has become part of her strategy.
Today, she continues her practice with a focus on an integrative, sustainable, and natural way of healing. She believes that internal healing through plant extracts heals our body, mind, and soul, and only with that, are you able to unlock the ‘third eye’ to fulfill your full potential.
"All Intangible assets have a body system which requires energy to heal. Energy fuels our body’s internal functions and repairs, building and maintaining cells and tissues, and facilitating the chemical reactions that allow us to heal. Whether I am working on a business or an individual transformation, fuelling with the ‘right’ energy is the recipe for success.”
n June 2020, Dr Christina incorporated essential oil therapy to foster resilience-building further. Research was conducted and by using therapeutic blend essential oils, the following positive results were found. Improvement in sleep quality, enhanced mental clarity, feeling more awake in the morning, emotionally stronger & grounded, happier, calmer, and more relaxed. It enhanced overall wellbeing by >35%. In a similar controlled trial conducted by the European Journal of Integrative Medicine, it has been shown that inhalation of essential oils as per aromatherapy / essential oil therapy resulted in lower perceived stress and depression, and better sleep quality.

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