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"Efficiency is doing the things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing"

Effectiveness is the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined without reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "doing the thing right," effectiveness means "doing the right thing."Effectiveness is the ability to choose appropriate objectives. 


How to develop Self-Effectiveness 

1. Mastery Experiences

Success directly impacts the way we think about ourselves. Succeeding in a task boosts confidence and increases the likelihood of achieving similar tasks again. Building effectiveness through self-mastery requires resilience to manage expectations about success and accept failure positively. People who succeed after overcoming the obstacles and recuperating from the breakdown have a strong sense of self-belief efficacy.


2. Vicarious Experiences

The second source of effectiveness roots from seeing others around us, especially people who we can relate to. Watching similar people succeed or hearing their success stories motivate us to believe that if they could, we can too.


3. Emotional and Physical Experiences

Our present mental and physical states influence self-effectiveness to a great extent. For example, a depressed person, or a person who is fighting with a rough disease, is less likely to feel very confident and optimistic about themselves. Negative experiences and stress make us vulnerable whereas positive experiences and happiness make us feel good about ourselves. Bandura (1977) said that the cues that we receive from our mind and body at any given moment and the way we perceive these cues shape our sense of self.


Activities to Increase Self-Effi

Self-efficacy enhances self-control. It impacts all the functional aspects of human functioning – from personal relationships to professional commitments, and social interactions, and relates to a low risk of mortality. Together with resilience, self-efficacy helps in achieving goals and acquiring a sense of accomplishment in life, and here are some ways that can help in enhancing efficacy:


1. Stay in the stretch zone

Goal-setting is crucial to building self-efficacy. Studies have shown that out of the three personal zones of achievement (the comfort zone, the stretch zone, and the panic zone), highly productive people lie at the stretch zone where they can make the most of their abilities.

In the stretch zone, we are more willing to take reasonable chances and are resilient to failures and setbacks. Unlike in the panic zone or the comfort zone where we are unwilling to take chances or extend our efforts, the stretch zone allows us to have an insightful perception about us and increases the likelihood of achieving self-contentment.


We can try entering the stretch zone by:


  • Setting goals.

  • Doing things that we like to do.

  • Trying new things and facing challenges.

  • Accepting failures and criticisms positively.

  • Approaching the goals slowly and not over-stressing about results.



2. Set simple goals

Low self-efficacy makes us either doubt our abilities or perceive the tasks to be more difficult than they are.

As a result, we don’t make enough effort, blame ourselves for our under achievements, and destroy the trust in ourselves. A good idea to build and sustain self-efficacy is to set goals reasonably and approach them one by one. We can break the goals into smaller sub goals and work on achieving them one at a time.

By doing this, we can rejoice our small successes, and our goals become more manageable and accessible.


3. Look at the bigger picture

One of the most significant qualities of people with high self-efficacy is the power to look beyond short-term losses and not letting them break their self-trust. We have higher goals to achieve, and sticking to this perspective helps in maintaining a high self-efficacy. Self-efficacy allows us to sort our priorities, make better plans, and focus on them more efficiently.


4. Reframe obstacles

A practical psychological tool to increase self-efficacy is identifying obstacles, thought blocks, and reframing or replacing them with positive interventions. Reconstructing the way, we look at failures and feel about them help a lot in changing the way we think of ourselves.

For example, a person with high self-efficacy is not likely to perceive losses as personal shortcomings. He would instead try to cope with it and find ways to handle it positively. Building self-efficacy allows us to understand that challenges and failures are inevitable; by continuing to believe in ourselves and our abilities, we can surely attain fulfillment.


Yoga for being effectiveness : -

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Just because these poses are simple doesn't mean that they are going to be easy. Bringing new awareness to a position you think you know can actually be very challenging. Take mountain pose, which may look like just standing.


Mountain Pose (Urdhva Hastansana)

Inhale and bring your arms up and over your head. Raised arms pose is your basic morning stretch, but you are focusing on keeping the good alignment you established in mountain pose.


Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Exhale and fold over your legs into a forward bend. If the hamstrings feel a little tight at first, bend the knees so that you can release your spine. Let the head hang heavy. Slowly straighten the legs if you like, but keep the head hanging. The feet can be touching or hip's distance apart, whichever feels better.


Garland Pose (Malasana)

Move your feet out to the edges of your mat and bend your knees, coming into a squat. The toes may turn out if necessary. If your heels do not reach the floor, take a rolled up blanket under them. This is a position that is quite natural for children but we lose the knack for it as adults. It's great for the hips and to counteract the effects of too much sitting in chairs and riding in cars. It's also a very useful pose if you like to garden.



The best way to improve effectiveness is for you as a leader to take time on a consistent basis to evaluate, plan, and focus. This is why we encourage business owners to take a strategic retreat every 90 days. By doing this you can step back and look at the big picture. You can get clear on what results you really want, and then assess how you’re doing at getting those specific results.

There are three main factors to focus on:


Essential Oil Therapy

Essential Oils: -

Here's a list of 10 popular essential oils and the health claims associated with effectiveness:

  • Peppermint: used to boost energy and aid digestion

  • Lavender: used to relieve stress

  • Sandalwood: used to calm nerves and help with focus

  • Bergamot: used to reduce stress and improve skin conditions like eczema

  • Rose: used to improve mood and reduce anxiety

  • Chamomile: used to improve mood and relaxation

  • Ylang-Ylang: used to treat headaches, nausea, and skin conditions

  • Tea Tree: used to fight infections and boost immunity

  • Jasmine: used to help with depression, childbirth, and libido

  • Lemon: used to aid digestion, mood, headaches, and more



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